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第1620天© 英语超级写作奶爸,4.4年双语日记记录女儿生活


中英合计:109.0万字 英文44.0万字,中文65.0万字


第1620天(4.4年) 2022年5月21日(六)

A Diary for My Yunduo’er ©

Day 1620, May 21, 2022 (Sat)


That sleek creamy white dress with a lovely sheen obviously put you in a mellow mood in the morning. You were strutting around exultantly dressed in it. It turned out that you had put yourself out to fish it out from one of the three fairly big craters stacked one upon the other in a corner of the wing bedroom.


I could only see in my mind’s eye how you had surreptitiously crept into the wing bedroom, “prized” open with both hands the lid of the sandwiched crater and strained yourself to prop up the lid with one hand to keep the “jaws” open – remember the lid was weighted down by another crater – your other hand sliding through the jaws into the crater, groping for and clawing at your heart’s desire.


“You can’t go out to play wearing that,” mummy said. “Then I won’t go out,” you said.



sleek 时髦

sheen 光泽

strut 趾高气扬地走

exultant 兴高采烈

put oneself out to 不辞辛苦

crater 箱子

stack 堆放

see in one’s mind’s eye 想象

surreptitious 偷偷摸摸

creep 潜行

prize 撬

strain oneself 使尽全力

sandwich 夹住

prop up 支撑

jaw 上下颌

weight down 使增加重量 (weight 是动词)

grope for 摸索

claw at 抓向

one’s heart’s desire 心中最想要的东西

your other hand sliding… 语法上叫独立式,文学作品中常见、商业专业英语里面见不到




























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